Tattoo & Semi Permanent Make Up Removal

Laser tattoo removal is the only clinically-proven method of removing a tattoo without causing scarring.

A tattoo may seem a good idea at the time, but you might regret the decision later. If you regret getting a tattoo whether it was from your earlier years or recently, it no longer needs to be permanent.

Laser is considered the superior method for the removal of unwanted tattoos. At SAS LASERS we use Q-switched lasers which have been designed to create ultra-short pulses of light energy that shatter ink in a tattoo. Our laser tattoo removal treatment will break down the tattoo ink using the laser light which your body’s immune system will then naturally and safely remove.

With our laser this superior treatment safely targets a wide range of colours unlike the majority of other lasers. It treats colours from black, blue and red, purple and orange. Even the most difficult colours like green and sky blue can be removed safely using our laser.

  • Are there any after-effects following treatment?

    Redness and swelling may occur, which settles within a few days. Some patients may blister. This is quite normal and does not indicate potential scarring. No specific treatment is required and it will usually clear within a few days. A dry dressing may be applied to avoid contact with clothes, etc. When bathing or showering, the area should be patted dry and not rubbed. If blistering occurs, prolonged immersion in water, e.g. swimming, should be avoided.

    Between treatment sessions the treated area should be protected from strong sunlight or sun beds with sun block (SPF 30).

  • Does the laser treatment scar?

    Lasers used to remove tattoos are Q-switched, which means the lasers deliver high power in a very short pulse (25 billionths of a second!). There is normally no lasting damage to the skin. Very occasionally, mild changes in skin texture may occur.

    The vast majority of people are delighted with the results. Although scarring is a possibility, the chances of this occurring are very low.

  • Will the skin be normal when treatment is finished?

    It is quite normal for the tattooed area to become paler and any freckles may disappear. This is because the lasers are also effective at removing natural skin pigment (depigmentation). Once all the treatments have been completed, the pigment should slowly return. This may take anything from 6 months to several years. Darker skinned patients are generally limited to treatment with the NdYAG laser as the risk of pigment change is less. A tattooed area which is particularly hairy should be shaved prior to treatment. The hair should grow back normally but in some cases may be slower than expected.

What you’ll need to know about Tattoo Removal.

  • Why is a tattoo so difficult to remove?

    A tattoo results when the skin is punctured and pigment is inserted into the lower layer of skin. The body’s own immune system reacts to this ‘injury’ but is unable to cast out the larger particles of pigment.

  • How do the lasers work?

    Tattoo ink particles are too large for the body’s immune system to remove naturally. By firing a beam of light through the skin in extremely short pulses the light is absorbed by the tattoo ink creating a reaction, which breaks it down into very small particles. The body’s immune system can then gradually removes the pigment.

  • How many treatments are required to remove a tattoo?

    The number of treatments required will depend on the body’s immune system and how effective it is. As a guide, most Indian ink amateur tattoos require 3 to 5 treatment sessions at monthly intervals. Most coloured professional tattoos usually require 8 to 12 treatment sessions at monthly intervals.

  • How long does it take and does it hurt?

    A typical treatment session can last between 5 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the tattoo.

    The treatment stings and may cause some minor discomfort which will start to subside when the session is over. This is tolerated well by most patients, but a local anaesthetic cream and /or skin cooling can be provided to minimise discomfort.